Students and Deforestation


The purpose of this project is to to do a survey research project on what students know and feel about deforestation? Our hypothesis states that the majority of responses to the factual questions about deforestation on our questionnaire will be correct. First, we chose our topic. Next, we developed our statement of purpose. Then we wrote review of literature about rain forests, deforestation, endangered species, human recreation, habitats, oxygen, greenhouse gases, and logging. Then we developed a hypothesis. Next, we wrote a methodology to test our hypothesis. Then we developed a questionnaire about deforestation. Then we drew a random sample of 26 sixth grade students at Mandeville Middle School and gave our questionnaire to them. We also sent our questionnaire out over the NSRC's electronic school district on the Internet to a non-random sample of students from all over the world. Next, when the completed questionnaires were returned, we scored them. Then we analyzed our data with simple statistics, charts, and graphs. Next, we wrote our summary and conclusion where we accepted/rejected our hypothesis. Finally, we applied our findings to the world outside the classroom.


Students and Deforestation Science Fair Project